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Hotel: Servatur Canaima is a completely refurbished adults-only establishment, just a few minutes by car from one of the most beautiful beaches on Gran Canaria: Amadores Beach. Given its privileged position, this tourist complex enjoys long hours of sunshine practically throughout the day. The refurbishment has given the apartments spacious interior design, modern furniture, terraces, private bathrooms and fully-equipped kitchens with microwave oven, refrigerator, coffee machine and toaster. You can relax at Servatur Canaima''s new heated pool and enjoy the tranquillity of the area. There are further facilities such as the pool bar where you can have a delicious breakfast, light snacks and a variety of drinks. It takes 35 minutes to reach the apartments by car from the airport. If you have not organised your stay before arriving on the island, the staff at reception will be pleased to help you to programme possible trips, give you information about establishments close to the apartments, and about leisure facilities.
. (* Sorry, this information is not available in the selected language and is shown in EN)

Lage: Servatur Canaima is a completely refurbished adults-only establishment, just a few minutes by car from one of the most beautiful beaches on Gran Canaria: Amadores Beach. Given its privileged position, this tourist complex enjoys long hours of sunshine practically throughout the day. The refurbish.... (* Sorry, this information is not available in the selected language and is shown in EN)

Wichtiger Hinweis: Bei planmäßiger Ankunft im Zielgebiet ab 04:00 Uhr morgens steht das Hotelzimmer am Ankunftstag erst ab der offiziellen Check-In-Zeit des jeweiligen Hotels zur Verfügung. Ebenso ist die offizielle Check-Out-Zeit des Hotels am Tag der Abreise einzuhalten. Bei planmäßigen Rückflügen bis Mitternacht ist die offizielle Check-Out-Zeit des Hotels am Tag der Abreise einzuhalten. Früh-Check-In bzw. Spät-Check-Out können je nach Verfügbarkeit und gegen einen Aufpreis über unser Service Team hinzugebucht werden.
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